Office Roster

To view all employees by name, go to Employee Roster (internal only).
For detailed contact information about an employee, click on the name below.


Academic Affairs
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4233
Fax: (512) 499-4240
Bentley, Kelvin Program Manager (512) 499-4644
Bienvenue, Joan Assoc VC, Research (512) 499-4321
Brown Klepfer, Kasey Research & Policy Analyst, Sr (512) 579-5055
Ford, Tracey Assoc VC, Student Affairs (512) 499-4677
Garcia Castells, Emma Student Associate (512) 499-4752
Green, Erin AcadAffairs Intern-ElevateTXEd (512) 322-3759
Greves, Jocelyn Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4439
Griffis, Jennifer Program Mgr, Finish@UT (512) 499-4237
Holmes, Archie Exec VC, Academic Affairs (512) 322-3789
Karoff, Rebecca Assoc VC, Academic Affairs (512) 579-5087
Lyons, Chris Coord, Program (512) 499-4241
Martin, Jeremy Research & Policy Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4223
Muenks, Patrick Asst Dir, StateLegisFellowProg (512) 852-3224
Prescott, Nichole Asst VC, Academic Affairs (512) 499-4238
Revisore, Suzanne Special Projects Manager (512) 499-4234
Reyes, Ashley Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4449
Rose, Weston Prog Mgr (512) 499-4264
Weatherman, Kelli Chief of Staff to EVC, OAA (512) 499-4466

Board of Regents
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4402
Fax: (512) 499-4425
Bellomy, Lauren Gen Counsel to BOR, Sr Assoc (512) 499-4409
Connell, Elisia Administrative Assoc (512) 579-5128
Frederick, Francie Of Counsel to the Board (512) 499-4402
Guevara, Sonia Assoc to GC, BOR (512) 499-4407
Hasanovic, Jasmina Assoc to GC, BOR (512) 322-3767
Holloway, Tina Mgr, BOR Srvcs (512) 499-4406
Moore, Mary Classified Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4404
Napier, Stacey General Counsel to BOR (512) 664-9043
Rabon, Karen Gen Counsel to BOR, Sr Assoc (512) 499-4408
Taub Montemayor, Tina Exec Secretary to the BOR (512) 499-4433
Walston, Linda Sr Assoc to GC, BOR (512) 499-4242
Yzaguirre, Salena Asst to GC, BOR (512) 499-4405

Business Affairs
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4560
Fax: (512) 499-4289
Egmon, Laura Asst to Exec Offcr (512) 499-4560
Pruitt, Jonathan Exec VC, Business Affairs (512) 499-4560
Steinkraus, Paul Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 499-4506

210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4201
Brinkley, Shannon Exec Program & Travel Coord (512) 499-4203
Buchleiter, Jonathan Chancellor’s Fellow (512) 499-4510
Carter, Beverly Administrative Programs Mgr (512) 499-4208
Farrell, Thomas Hourly Appointment
Goonewardene, Julie Sr. Adv to Chancellor, CT&IO (512) 499-4355
Milliken, James Chancellor
Reyna, Amy Exec Dir, Chancellor Office (512) 499-4678
Smith, Nana Other Affiliated Worker

Contracts and Procurement
Aguilar, Vanessa Contract Administrator II (512) 499-4584
Condra, Patrick Purchasing Coord (512) 499-4633
Haynes, Erica Contract Administrator II (512) 664-9008
Kalenak, Benjamin Asst Dir, Contract Mgt (512) 579-5048
Mikolaitis, Stephen Contract Administrator-OCP (512) 499-4705
Olivarez, Susanna Assoc Dir, Contracts&Procurmnt (512) 499-4636

210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4527
Babbitt, Stanley Accountant, Sr II (512) 499-4324
Bell, Darren Asst Dir, Tax (512) 579-5144
Bhatnagar, Sejal Business Analyst (512) 322-3727
Bradford, Cecylia Accountant II (512) 499-4758
Breehl, Michelle Coord, Administrative (512) 682-6870
Castanon, Paula Financial Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4458
Clarich, Casilda Dir, Fin Shared Srvcs and CNP (512) 499-4318
Crosby, David Pilot, Captain (512) 499-4536
Farmer, Keith Independent Contractor (512) 499-4416
Foley, Mark Financial Reports Offcr, Sr (512) 499-4651
Gandy, Eun Independent Contractor (512) 579-5051
Garrett, Kimberly Accountant, Sr I (512) 499-4317
Ghadiali, Rayomand Dir, Accounting (512) 499-4213
Guevara-Contreras, Myrna Asst Dir, Business Admin (512) 499-4748
Hinojosa-Segura, Veronica Assoc VC, Controller (512) 499-4271
Hosey, Jennifer Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4219
Khan, Faraz Asst Controller (512) 499-4340
Lowary, Patrick Financial Reports Offcr, Sr (512) 499-4381
McDonald, Matthew Graduate Intern (512) 322-3713
Misko, Candace Business Analyst, Sr (512) 664-9056
Mitchell, Amy Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 322-3728
Neidhart, Sandra Dir, Business Administration (512) 499-4544
Olivarez, Cruzdiego Financial Reports Offcr, Sr (512) 499-4553
Otto, Nadja Accountant, Sr I (512) 322-3772
Padilla, Catalina Asst Dir, Business Admin (512) 499-4349
Padilla, Elva Assoc Dir, Accounting (512) 322-3792
Perkins, Jeffrey Pilot, Chief (512) 499-4536
Peterson, Kristina Payroll Mgr (512) 499-4314
Pickney, Irene Accountant I (512) 322-3714
Sestak, Margaret Mgr, Financial Reports (512) 499-4216
Swift, Clayton Financial Analyst (512) 322-3720
Swift, Matthew Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 852-3226
Thomas, Michael Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 499-4291
Van De Graaf, Roxanna Payroll Analyst, Sr (512) 322-3733
Velasquez, Priscilla Accounting Assoc, Sr (512) 664-9055
Wallin, Andrew Dir, Financial IT Integrations (512) 579-5134
White, Deloris Assoc Dir, Accounting (512) 499-4556
Wise, Neal Asst Dir, Financial Shrd Srvcs (512) 499-4569
Xu, Dorothy Student Associate (512) 852-3273

Employee Benefits
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4616
Fax: (512) 499-4620
Bunce, Christine Mgr, Benefits (512) 499-4461
Caperton, Kimberly Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4451
Cavazos, Marili Dir, Finance & Admin (512) 322-3731
Chambers, Laura Exec Dir, Emp Benefits (512) 499-4624
Conklin, Blane Business Analyst, Sr (512) 852-3237
Cotton, John Employee of Contractor (512) 499-4623
Eivens, Randy Mgr, Benefits (512) 499-4270
Feulner, Jill Accountant I (512) 322-3777
Fleming, Jaclyn Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 579-5078
Godwin, Faye Dir, Emp Benefits (512) 499-4664
Jamail, Deanna Administrative Asst (512) 499-4621
Johnson Pearson, Brenda Benefits Specialist (512) 499-4703
Kasper, Lori Benefits Anlyst, RET Billing (512) 682-6895
Kelly, Aidan Benefits Specialist (512) 499-4487
Leong, Lisa Hourly Appointment (512) 322-3746
Lopez, Carla Mgr, WellnessPrgms (512) 499-4692
Marrs, Charles Mgr, Benefits (512) 499-4662
Mascarenas, Melissa Benefits Anlyst, COBRA Billing (512) 664-9040
McKinney, Miriam Systems Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4738
McPherson, Sunny Benefits Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4410
Morman, Scott Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4235
Nash, Dini Supv, Accounting Group (512) 664-9063
Nichols, June Sr Functional Analyst (512) 499-4707
Parrish, Marc Asst Dir, Info Systems (512) 499-4615
Pekar, Sarah Mgr, Special Progs & Contracts (512) 499-4422
Peters, Scott UT Benefits Billing Specialist (512) 664-9048
Polonski, Tara Senior Benefits Accountant (512) 499-4613
Ramirez de Romo de Vivar, Maria Sr Marketing & Creative Lead (512) 579-5090
Rowell, Lance Mgr, Info Systems (512) 499-4310
Santos, Vilma Benefits Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4582
Scott, Ray Benefits Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4796
Spencer, Wendy Senior Benefits Accountant (512) 499-4428
Srinivasan, Radhika Mgr, Info Sys & Data Analytics (512) 499-4704
Tadayon, Laura Benefits Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4225
Trepanier, Shelley Coord, Administrative (512) 499-4614
Zaligson, Jennifer Instructional Designer (512) 852-3236

External Relations
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4777
Fax: (512) 499-4782
Bennett, Jeannie Dir, Endow Compl & Dev Oper (512) 579-5142
Biow, Catherine Independent Contractor (512) 852-3270
Caldwell, Michael Web Developer, Sr (512) 499-4359
Caplan, Jeffrey Director of Communications (512) 499-4784
Collins, Judy Dir, Gift Data Svcs (512) 499-4726
Corliss, Paul Assoc VC, External Relations (512) 499-4761
Estrada, Christina Dir, Special Events (512) 499-4456
Felts, Karoline Assoc VC, Advancement Svcs (512) 579-5080
Jackson, Melissa Exec Dir, Comm Donor Rel (512) 499-4279
Lasky, Clarissa Asst Dir, Digital Comm (512) 499-4597
Mindeman Shuman, Hannah Assoc Dir, Gift Administration (512) 852-3238
Palafox, Charles Coord, Video Prod Sr (512) 579-5094
Perez, Jose Development Specialist, Sr (512) 499-4301
Poursmaeili, Mehran Exec Dir, Creative&DigitalComm (512) 499-4236
Roush, Andrew Communications Writer, Sr (512) 499-4793
Ruiz-Esparza, Yvette Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4307
Safady, Randa VC, Ext Rltns&Chf Advcmnt Ofcr (512) 499-4777
Slaby, Anna Administrative Assistant (512) 499-4222
Trevino, Michael Dir, Online Communication (512) 499-4282
Washington, Stephanie Assoc Dir, Advancement Srvcs (512) 579-5059

Facilities Management
Phone: (512) 322-3760
Afonso, Severino Guard
Ayala Ruffo, Carlos Employee of Contractor
Brackelsberg, Eric Guard
Deats, Augustine Guard
Delgado, Teresa Guard
Franks, Jeffrey Guard
Green, Darrell Guard
Gutierrez, Brenda Guard
Hoffman, Christopher Employee of Contractor (512) 499-4596
Hunter, Jarrod Guard
Kelly, Sheryl Employee of Contractor (512) 499-4600
Laurel, Jonathon Guard
Mokarzel, Herbert Guard
Rivera, Jose Employee of Contractor
Rivera, Linda Guard
Santos, Sara Guard
Tellez, Armando Guard
Vincent, Jeffrey Employee of Contractor (512) 579-5032
Yanez, Alejandro Guard

Federal Relations
1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite. 900
Washington, D.C. 20006

Phone: (202) 955-9091
Fax: (202) 955-9039
Anderson, Christine Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 499-4212
Chin, Michelle Employee of UT Affiliated Org (202) 955-9035
Ferguson, Laura Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 579-5038
Hardy, Valerie Coord, Administrative (202) 955-9036
Lawrence, Sally Employee of UT Affiliated Org (202) 955-9091
Nguyen, Billy Administrative Assoc, Sr (202) 955-9091
Port, Anna Employee of UT Affiliated Org (737) 209-7926
Rains, Whitney Employee of UT Affiliated Org (202) 955-9038
Rajagopalan, Meera Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 322-3795
Romano, Katherine Employee of UT Affiliated Org (512) 579-5037
Teas, Robert Employee of UT Institution (202) 955-5535
Ulanoski, Sara Employee of UT Affiliated Org (202) 955-9034
Washington, Christine Employee of UT Affiliated Org (202) 955-5536

Phone: (512) 499-4374
Alvarado, David Independent Contractor
Barria, Monica Dir, Treasury (512) 579-5093
Frey, Jamie Dir, Finance (512) 499-4541
Hah, Allen Asst VC, Finance (512) 579-5081
Hull, Terry Assoc VC, Finance (512) 499-4494
Nelson, Robin Financial Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4592
Trapp, Anita Financial Officer, Treasury (512) 499-4268
Wettstein, Justin Financial Analyst, Sr (512) 579-5114

General Counsel
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4462
Fax: (512) 499-4523
Aldrete Fiscal, Carla Administrative Assoc, Sr Legal (512) 499-4477
Barbour, Laura General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4515
Barnett, Jennifer Asst VC, Managing Attrny (512) 499-4497
Berger, Ryan Administrative Assoc, Legal (512) 579-5136
Bleich, Thomas General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4502
Brown, Kevin General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4462
Burley, Laura Administrative Assoc Legal RTW (512) 499-4735
Burnett, Jennifer General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 579-5187
Calderon, Lee Roy General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4499
Cantu, Victoria Asst VC, Managing Attrny (512) 499-4628
Carson, Cyanna Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4504
Castillo-Johnson, Corina General Counsel, Asst (512) 579-5044
Contreras Zamarripa, Sonessa Administrative Asst, Legal (512) 499-4462
Dao, Ha General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4522
Eisner, Randi General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4496
Evans, Allene Independent Contractor (512) 499-4630
Fitzmaurice, Evan General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4492
Flammer, Sean General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 579-5106
Gonzales, Aracelie Administrative Asst, Legal (512) 579-5137
Grossling, Daneen Bus and Admin Ops Mgr (512) 499-4516
Habibi, Paliman Administrative Assoc, Sr Legal (512) 499-4771
Hagen, Lars General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4521
Hansen, David General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4478
Hayes, Brianna Administrative Asst, Legal (512) 499-4774
Huckaby, Hannah General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4462
Jackson, Crystal Administrative Assoc, Sr Legal (512) 499-4509
Janota, Jeffrey General Counsel, Asst Expert (512) 579-5019
Jansen, Donald General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4493
Kadura, Sheila General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4518
Kim, Sandra General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 579-5020
Lein, David Asst VC, Managing Attrny (512) 499-4474
Longoria, Tarah Administrative Assoc, Legal (512) 499-4386
McKinley, Bridget General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4482
Patterson, Scott General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4528
Reynolds, Stephen Administrative Asst, Legal (512) 499-4773
Rodarte Gallardo, Veronica Administrative Assoc, Legal (512) 499-4476
Sharphorn, Daniel VC & General Counsel (512) 499-4462
Smith, Edwin General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4491
Stokes, Kamilla General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4463
Thompson, Jennifer General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4772
Trant, Marcella Administrative Assoc, Sr Legal (512) 499-4480
Tynan, Cynthia General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4505
Tzitzkova, Ofeliya Administrative Assoc, Legal (512) 499-4770
Vieira Ayala, Ana General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4563
Vockell, Marc General Counsel, Assoc Expert (512) 499-4337
Von- Paumgartten, Greta Administrative Assoc, Legal (512) 499-4507
Welter, Audra General Counsel, Asst (512) 499-4298
Willard, Lance Administrative Assoc, Sr Legal (512) 499-4483

Governmental Relations
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4255
Fax: (512) 499-4259
Griffin, Sean Assoc VC, Govern Relations (512) 499-4248
Hand, Trevor Legislative Coordinator (512) 499-4254
Hartmann, Laura Assoc VC, Govern Relations (512) 499-4717
Mare, Dean Student Associate (512) 579-5117
Ortiz, Pablo Bus & Admin Operations Mgr (512) 499-4252
Raetz, Katherine Assistant Vice Chancellor (512) 499-4263
Rathgeber, Julia VC, Governmental Rltns RTW (512) 499-4210
Sherman, Susan Assoc VC, Govern Relations (512) 322-3769
Starkey, Roger Assoc VC, Govern Relations (512) 499-4258
Tamez, Mary Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 322-3748
Willming, Cody Dir, Federal Budget & Policy (202) 955-9041

210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4530
Fax: (512) 499-4311
Acosta, Jazlyn Employee of Contractor (512) 579-5026
Booker, Cynthia Coord, HUB Sr (512) 322-3779
Hay, Hopeton Exec Dir, HUB & Fed SB Prgs (512) 499-4377
Hayes, Kyle HUB Coord (512) 322-3745
Hijjazi, Samer Independent Contractor (512) 579-5118
McClellan, Katie Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4530
Park, Stephanie Assoc Dir, HUB (512) 499-4378

Health Affairs
Phone: (512) 499-4224
Adams, Anissa Hourly Appointment
Berger, LuAnn Accounting Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4226
Elerian, Nagla Exec Dir, TCMHCC (512) 852-3198
Garcia, Melissa Assoc VC, Health Affairs (512) 579-5127
Hartiens, Felicia Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4529
Jew, Rachel Sr. Program Manager (512) 499-4715
Kazmi, Zain Assoc VC, Chief Anlytcs Offcr (512) 664-9001
Lakey, David VC, Health Affairs (512) 852-3194
Lewis, Jonathan Assoc VC, Health Affairs (512) 499-4220
McCorkle, Lainie Communications Manager (512) 579-5169
McLaughlin, Sarah Proj Mgr, Health Affairs (512) 682-6855
Meloncon, Trisha Asst to Exec Offcr (512) 499-4224
Needham, Haley Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4232
Patel, Prisha Student Associate (512) 664-9044
Solberg, Eric Assoc VC, Health Affairs (512) 499-4281
Thomas, Lashondra Coord, Program (512) 499-4464
Vlahodimitropoulos, Alexandra Financial & Contract Mgr (512) 499-4214
Zerwas, John Exec VC, Health Affairs (512) 579-5149

Human Resources
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4587
Fax: (512) 499-4380
Arevalo, Georgina Benefits & Wellness Prgm Coord (512) 322-3707
Bailiff, Lara Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4348
Barrera, Siria HR Business Partner, Sr (512) 499-4588
Crozier, Robert Compensation Splst (512) 499-4649
Ducran, Lesley Sprvsr, Human Resources (512) 499-4673
Feeney, John Asst Dir, Compensation (512) 579-5105
Gil, Stephanie Asst Dir, Talent (512) 499-4218
Goullet, Manon Talent Mgmt Splst (512) 579-5071
Haque, Ayesha Human Resources Representative (512) 579-5006
McCravy, Michelle Talent Management Specialist (512) 322-3736
Monteleone, Lisa Employee of Contractor (816) 210-0731
Onion, Susan Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 636-2835
Prince, Sherri Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4436
Reyes, Johnny HR Business Partner, Sr (512) 499-4660
Seils, Joshua Program Manager, Talent (512) 579-5062

Information Security Office
210 West 7th Street
Austin 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4389
Fax: (512) 579-5085
Amir, Adam Student Associate (512) 579-5039
Baik, Kyungdon Student Associate (512) 322-3725
Benitez, Joan Student Associate
Ceron, Carlos Sr Info Sec Analyst-Engineer (512) 579-5064
Diaz, Rodrigo Info Sec Analyst, Sr
Doan, David Student Associate (512) 852-3254
Edson, Ryan Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 664-9047
Edunuri, Narendar Reddy Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 664-9031
Finney, George Chief Info Sec Offcr (512) 499-4217
Granados Almazan, Jose Info Sec Analyst (512) 499-4344
Haris, Mohammod Student Associate (512) 664-9042
Ingram, Janea Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4389
Lane, Thomas Info Sec Analyst, Lead (512) 579-5166
Maxwell, Wesley Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4531
McElroy, Lori Chief Info Sec Offcr, Assoc (512) 322-3791
Mendivil, Rebecca Prog Mgr (512) 579-5013
Moore, James Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 322-3706
Ramirez, Jose Chief Info Sec Offcr, Assoc (512) 579-5058
Suess, Joseph Student Associate (512) 499-4257
Trevino, Raul Sr. Project Manager (512) 579-5165
Turner, Andrew Info Sec Analyst, Lead (469) 284-7474
Wen, Ethan Student Associate (512) 579-5125
Wheat, Cody Info Sec Analyst, Sr (469) 299-7532
Williams, Jason Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 579-5072
Yanez, Roberto HIPAA Security Officer (512) 579-5061
Zunker, Rachel Hourly Appointment (512) 579-5008

Innovation & Strategic Investm
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4495
Anwer, Ayesha Data Analytics Student Assoc (512) 499-4756
Enright, Cynthia Employee of Contractor
Galvan, Cristina Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 579-5097
Johnson, William Asst Dir, Horizon Fund (512) 852-3209
Masson, Susan Asst Dir, Tlnt&Innv Prgrms (512) 499-4350
Pollard, Abby Program Mgr, Talent&Innovation (512) 499-4266
Ramirez, Jayden Innovation Student Associate (512) 579-5101
Zimmerman, Mary Operations Prog Mgr (512) 852-3227

Instnl Research and Analysis
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4798
Fax: (512) 322-3734
Adams, Thomas Data Warehouse Developer, Sr (512) 322-3785
Bales, Paula Sr Decision Support Analyst (512) 499-4798
Bruce, Richard Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 579-5181
Creusere, Marlena Exec Dir, Instnl Rsrch&Anlysis (512) 499-4714
Daniels, Nancy Communications Coordinator (512) 579-5122
Dinning, John Dir, Institutional Rsch & BI (512) 579-5120
Fahim, MD Farhan Asst Dir, Business Intelligenc (512) 499-4485
Fairchild, Kayla Asst Dir for Adv Analytics (512) 499-4484
Farooq, Shahrukh Advanced Analytics Researcher (512) 682-6859
Jimenez, Arturo Employee of UT Affiliated Org (956) 882-6564
Lingle, Mary Employee of Contractor
Mange, Brennan Research & Policy Analyst, Sr (512) 322-3781
Merrill, Andrew Appl Dev & BI Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4696
Nilson, Nancy Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4798
Pequeno, Jose Advanced Analytics Researcher (512) 499-4412
Sepulveda, Adam Student Associate (512) 579-5063

Laredo Multi-Institution Cntr
Benavides, Rosalinda Facility Mgr & Safety Coord (956) 523-7425
Garcia, Jessica Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7413
Garza, Antonio Senior Maintenance Technician
Guantos, Miguel Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7411
Herrera, Alexis Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7419
Leal Boone, Miguel Maintenance Technician (956) 608-1799
Lozano, Alexandra Coord, Administrative Projects (956) 523-7473
Marquez, Daisy Administrative Assoc (956) 523-7421
Martinez, Mario Employee of UT Institution (956) 882-7552
Mata, Sharon Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7410
Morales, Joel Info Svcs Specialist (956) 523-7407
Nunemaker, Adriana Exec Dir, Laredo Mult-Inst Ctr (956) 523-7473
Paez, Christian Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7413
Pazhoor, Rachel Student Associate (956) 523-7420
Rivera, Roxana Prog Mgr (956) 523-7473
Sandel, Jodie Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7468
Tamez, Claudia Assistant Facility Manager (956) 523-7473
Torres, Janie Accounting Assoc, Sr (956) 523-7473
USCAMAYTA AYVAR, MARUCELA Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7415
Valdez, Maria De Jesus Employee of UT Institution (956) 523-7462

Office of Budget and Planning
Anthony, Tammy Budget Dir (512) 664-9054
Carney, Theresa Budget Manager (512) 499-4272
Franke, Sherill Project Manager (512) 499-4558
Horton, Derek Assoc VC, Budget & Planning (512) 499-4274
Mueller, Jeannett Budget Analyst (512) 499-4792
Saenz, Crystal Asst Dir, Financial Analysis (512) 499-4762
Teixeira Pedroso, Ana Financial Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4791
Villafuerte, Pamela Asst Budget Director (512) 579-5139
Werchan, Alan Special Advisor (512) 499-4275

Office of Capital Projects
Ajinkya, Yashambari Project Controls Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4315
Alfaro, Piedad Administrative Assoc (512) 322-3760
Barrera, Roberto Assoc Dir, Engineering BldgEnv (512) 499-4639
Deleon, Ricardo Exec Dir, Program Mgmt (210) 567-8727
Hall, Teresa Asst Dir, Cap Imprv Prgm Plann (512) 579-5175
Harris, Stephen Asst VC, Capital Projects (512) 499-4351
Kneisly, Lori Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4418
Macon, Chris Asst Dir, Cap Imprv Prgm Asses (512) 499-4362
Marquez, Michelle Student Associate (512) 682-6897
Naylor, Scott Program Manager (512) 499-4732
Page, Beverly Hourly Appointment (512) 499-4602
Powell, Douglas Assoc Dir, Engineering BldgSys (512) 579-5035
Reid, Daniel Bauer House Manager (512) 499-4368
Summerville, Adam Facility Manager, Bauer House (512) 322-3765
Tibuni Clabes, Crystal Mgr, Facility Sr (512) 499-4316
Troutwine, Chelsie Asst Dir, Operations (512) 499-4432

210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4680
Fax: (512) 499-4684
Armstead, Darrell Police Inspector II (512) 499-4719
Baptiste, Kenneth Sr Police Inspector (512) 263-2448
Benavides, Irene Coord, Administrative
Chambers, David Police Inspector II (512) 664-9101
Derohn, Robert Police Inspector II (512) 263-2448
Ferrero, David Asst Dir, Police RTW (512) 499-4683
Funke, Michael Police Inspector II (512) 499-4229
Garton, Chad Police Inspector II (512) 499-4723
Garza, Leslie Administrative Assoc (512) 499-4634
Harper, Bobby Sr Police Inspector RTW (512) 499-4681
Hayes, Lisa Accounting Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4594
Merritt, Geoffrey Sr Police Inspector (512) 263-2448
Navarro, Lydia Administrative Assoc, Sr RTW (512) 499-4690
Parks, Michael Exec Dir, Police (512) 499-4421
Shepherd, William Sr Police Inspector (512) 579-5092
Trevino, Reynaldo Sr Police Inspector (512) 499-4685

Real Estate Office
Arredondo, Crystal Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4500
Bible, Philip Real Estate Offcr, Sr (512) 499-4247
Castro, Luis Real Estate Offcr, Sr (512) 499-4648
Faltysek, Takako Real Estate Specialist, Sr (512) 499-4330
Lewis Cole, Shanquetta Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 322-3752
O'Bryan, Lisa Real Estate Specialist, Sr (512) 499-4335
Richards, Geoffrey Exec. Director Real Estate (512) 499-4336
Tames, Kirk Special Advisor (512) 499-4369
Ting, Frank Asst Dir, Real Estate (512) 499-4342
Vasquez, Kim Portfolio Mgr & Real Est Offcr (512) 499-4577

Risk Management
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4655
Fax: (512) 499-4524
Agnew, James Risk & Insurance Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4305
Anderson, Joann Assoc Dir, Work Comp Ins RTW (512) 499-4645
Campo, Andres Asst Dir, Risk Finance (512) 499-4653
Carrillo, Cindy Mgr, Accounting (512) 499-4654
Castelo, Stephanie Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4663
Caster, Patrice Coord, Emergency Mgt (512) 322-3740
Chaparro-Berry, Estella Mgr, Info Systems (512) 499-4669
Chilton, Brittany Risk & Insurance Analyst (512) 499-4550
Craig, Barbara Asst Dir, Risk Info Systems (512) 499-4657
Cummings, Lisa Supv, Claims (512) 499-4745
Dendy, Phillip Chief Risk Officer (512) 499-4652
Durbin, Patrick Assoc Dir, Risk Control (512) 499-4746
Flandes, Ruel Administrative Assoc (512) 499-4655
Hargis, Donna Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4578
Kyle, Tejashri Coord, Environmental Prg (512) 499-4211
Lopez, Johanna Claims Supervisor (512) 499-4659
Maldonado, Ruth Insurance Specialist (512) 499-4447
Miller, Jessica International Program Manager (512) 499-4612
Rogers, Natasha Coord, Safety (512) 499-4661
Rowe, Catherine Supv, Claims (512) 499-4581
Santos, Juan Coord, Claims Sr (512) 579-5029
Schaeffer, Mark Safety Analyst (409) 781-0069
Schmitt, Malea Risk & Insurance Analyst (512) 499-4781
Tam, Justin Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 664-9027
Turley, Heather Employee of Contractor
Yao, Yixin Accountant II (512) 499-4452
Youngdale, Stacy Assoc Dir, Risk Mgt (512) 499-4401

Shared Information Services
Abbas, Aamir SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7472
Adams, Jeffrey Employee of Contractor
Adams, Jennifer SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7301
Ahmad, Sana SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7384
Akkaraju, Sailaja SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7443
Akula, Praveen SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7452
Alba, Katie SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7375
Allen, Jimmy SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7413
Allison, Kelly Employee of Contractor
Alluri, Siva Prasad Raju Employee of Contractor
Anderson, Crystal SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7302
Annavarapu, Mrunalini SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7367
Anthony, Wade SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7304
Armstrong, Jon SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7397
Arnold, Corey SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (817) 272-2478
Arnold, Jeffrey SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7372
Atchley, John SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7484
Avula, Venkateswar SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7306
Babcock, Amanda SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7316
Bagaria, Suresh SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7359
Balusu, Veera SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7425
Bass, Jennifer SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7307
Bathula, Krishna Sumanth Employee of Contractor
Benson, Kyle Employee of Contractor
Black, Andre SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (972) 408-7071
Bowers, Jeremy SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7480
Bridges, Scott SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7370
Brun, Monica SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7319
Campos, Hector SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7412
Cartwright, Joshua SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7471
Castillo-Arellano, Delia SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7483
Cates, Cory Employee of Contractor
Chandupatla, Nikhil Employee of Contractor
Chittoor Govinda Reddy, Ramana Kumar Employee of Contractor
Clark, David SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7335
Clarke, Betsy SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7490
Clements, Mark SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7310
Combs, Jared SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7368
Cook, Lilia SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7363
Crouch, Charles SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7312
Cummins, Kelly SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7398
Daniel, Djidji SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7390
Dantzler, Jessica SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7391
De La Riva, Yolanda SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7313
Deenamsetty, Venkat SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7326
Dhuwaraha, Rama SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7418
Doan, Kristine SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7385
Dolia, Mohit SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7365
Donaldson, Ariel SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (817) 272-2478
Duran, Collin SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7336
Dyer, Pande SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7383
El Bacha, Abdallah Employee of Contractor
English, Harrison SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7317
Espino, Diana SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7438
Fasse, Jessica SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (512) 579-5113
Fritcher, Justin SIS Affiliate - System & Ops
Garrett, Joe SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7396
Garza, Maria SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7482
Gautharaju, Sanjeevani SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7318
Godavarty, Asha SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7445
Gomel, Greg SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7429
Gonzales, Melissa SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7430
Gottipati, Mythreyee SIS Affiliate - HCM
Granja, Linda SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7320
Gunn, Lindsay SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7321
Hameed, Mohammed SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7451
Hanmanthrao, Swathi Shree SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7389
Hart, Derrick SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7322
Hartzler, Douglas SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7308
Havens, Donna SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7323
Helms, Clinton SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7324
Henderson, Cory SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7477
Hogue, Kelsey SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7337
Horton, LaToya SIS Affiliate - FMS (817) 272-5402
Ireta, Hugo SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7392
Iyer, Siddharth SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7428
Jha, Binay SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7439
Ji, Xiaogang SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7449
Jiang, Hui SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7381
Jimenez, Arturo SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7436
Johnson, Jocelyn Employee of Contractor
Johnson, John SIS Affiliate - CS (903) 565-5863
Jones, Tyler SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7355
Jonnadula, Ram Gopal SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7330
Jonnalagadda, Simon SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7327
Kamasamudram, Srikanth Employee of Contractor
Kambham, Sushma SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7422
Kanumuri, Ranga SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7485
Kasarle, Chandrashekhar Employee of Contractor
Kerr, Kameron SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7352
Kizer, Philip SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7437
LaRose, Sarah SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (512) 664-9079
Lakshmanaperumal, Radhakrishnan SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (630) 890-9915
Lawrence, Carissa SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7416
Lisenby, Jason SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7325
Lloyd, Casey SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7486
Lok, Yan SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7329
Lopez, Joaquin SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7376
Lujan, Armando SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7394
Maganti, Raghavendra SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7426
Mandelblatt, Regina SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7331
Manohar, Sathishkumar SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7345
Marisetty, Ravi Sekhar Employee of Contractor
Mavurapu, Manoj Employee of Contractor
Milligan, Marietta SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7333
Milligan, Todd SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7332
Minner, Samantha SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7417
Mishra, Arun PeopleSoft Administrator (469) 284-7415
Mohammed, Abdul Salman SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7496
Mughal, Atif SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7431
Mwenye, Munyaradzi SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7334
Nandam, Seeta Ramanjaneyulu SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7448
Narolia, Prashant Employee of Contractor
Navarre, Brandon SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7369
Nerio, Rodolfo SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7495
Newman, Rebekah SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7453
Ng, Tribson SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7379
Nguyen, Thoa SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7436
Oduri, Naga Employee of Contractor
Ohri, Gaurav DBA Sr (469) 284-7380
Otakpor, Anthony SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7338
Owens, Rikia Employee of Contractor
Owoloye, Emmanuel SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7393
Ozuna, Pablo SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7339
Palreddy, Jagan Mohan SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7450
Palumbo, Patricia SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7340
Parlov, Monika SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7422
Patterson, Ryan SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7341
Pitney, Jack SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7473
Pothula, Kishore Employee of Contractor
Raj, John Employee of Contractor
Rajasekaran, Kumaresan Employee of Contractor
Ramireddy, Prasad Employee of Contractor
Ramu, Sathiyamoorthy Sr Business Analyst- HR (469) 284-7344
Rayaprolu, Ravi SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7335
Reilly, James SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7342
Reuscher, Robert SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7479
Revuri, Sunil SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7481
Rimmalapudi, Ravi Employee of Contractor
Robins, Erwin SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7343
Rodriguez, Celina SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7382
Roesslet, Bryan SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7434
Roy, Soumee SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt
Russell, Lance SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7378
Salver, Anoop SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7387
Samudrala, Lakshmichaitany SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7455
Sanchez, Juan SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7309
Sangras, Bhavani SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7423
Sarnala, Kalyan SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7442
Sathyaveera, Sanjayraj SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7493
Schatz, Alex SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7371
Schaubert, Derek SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7421
Scheller, Jacob SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client
Selander, Jamie SIS Affiliate - Business Intel (469) 284-7456
Self, Derek SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7498
Shaikh, Shakir Employee of Contractor
Sharma, Hanish SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7328
Singh, Sanjay SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7346
Sirivolu, Praveen Employee of Contractor
Sirivolu, Swetha Employee of Contractor
Spencer, Ellen SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7388
Srivastava, Sachin Lead Business Analyst-FIN (469) 284-7348
Stegmair, Juergen SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (972) 245-0447
Sule, Kehinde SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7454
Sullivan, Jerome SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7349
Tallapaneni, Anantha Lakshmi SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (469) 284-7303
Tareen, Mohammad SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7351
Tayal, Ankita SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7355
Taylor, Jess SIS Affiliate - Coloctn&Cloud (469) 284-7492
Thakar, Anuja SIS Affiliate - System & Ops
Thevaril, Jain SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (903) 566-6197
Thummala, Atchuta Employee of Contractor
Traore, Gaoussou SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7305
Trevino, Mauricio SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7419
Ulloa Lujan, Sergio SIS Affiliate - CS (469) 284-7399
Upadhye, Yukta SIS Affiliate - System & Ops
Uzoma, Lynda SIS Affiliate - FMS (817) 272-5055
Watkins, Margaret SIS Affiliate - Project Mgmt (469) 284-7354
Webb, Daniel SIS Affiliate - HCM (469) 284-7374
Willett, Gregory SIS Affiliate - Bus & Client (469) 284-7414
Wilson, Shauntelia SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7395
Xiao, Shunliang SIS Affiliate - System & Ops
Yadlapati, Rajesh Employee of Contractor
Yarramsetty, Anileswar Employee of Contractor
Zamarripa, Pedro SIS Affiliate - System & Ops (817) 272-9510
Zhang, Tian SIS Affiliate - FMS (469) 284-7487

System Audit
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4390
Fax: (512) 499-4426
Baker, Erin Data Analytics Prgm Mgr (512) 499-4285
Chow, Marlene Coord, Administrative Projects (512) 499-4538
Crawford, Randal Independent Contractor (512) 499-4265
Hudson, Dyan Dir, Audit (512) 499-4283
Johnson, Lindsay Supv, Audit (512) 499-4763
Kalamkar, Moshmee Dir, Audit (512) 499-4769
Louie, Gan Mgr, Audits (512) 499-4765
McCormick, Katie Coord, Administrative (512) 499-4209
Peppers, James Chief Audit Executive (512) 499-4542
Polonski, Eric Dir, Audit (512) 499-4533
Sizemore, Steven IT Audit Program Manager (512) 499-4535
Zorrilla-Gonzales, Damian Auditor, Sr I (512) 499-4764

Systemwide Compliance
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4389
Fax: (512) 579-5085
Anderson, Krista Systemwide Compl Offcr, Asst (512) 664-9050
Atchley, James Research Security Officer (512) 499-4304
Blanton, Cristina HIPAA Privacy Counsel & Offcr (512) 852-3264
Givens, David Systemwide Compl Offcr, Assoc (512) 499-4532
Kennedy, Jennifer Systemwide Compl Offcr, Assoc (512) 499-4501
Morris, Michael Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 852-3244
Ossar, Angela Records & Data Mgt Officer (512) 499-4339

Systemwide Info Services
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4593
Fax: (512) 499-4599
Crain, R David Assoc VC & CIO (469) 284-7366
Dudek, Arden Independent Contractor (469) 299-7509
Huang, William Deputy Chief Info Officer (512) 322-3794
Knox, Margaret Exec Dir, Tech Info Svcs (512) 322-3774
Perkins, Caleb Mgr, Info Systems (512) 499-4308

Tech Infor Services
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4567
Fax: (512) 499-4599
Abrams, Pier Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4755
Arevalo, Isaak Client Services Analyst (512) 852-3213
Bardwell, Nevaeh Student Associate (512) 322-3756
Bhardwaj, Anuj Appl Dev Analyst (512) 499-4256
Budak, Alperen Student Associate (512) 579-5014
Bumpus, Grace Client Services Analyst, Sr (512) 682-6889
Cook, Preston Student Associate (512) 579-5012
Dang, Anh Student Associate (512) 852-3221
Dasari, Haritha Asst Dir, Appl Srvcs (512) 499-4730
Eckhardt, Steven Systems Analyst, Sr (512) 682-6858
Ewing, William Info Sec Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4575
Faili, Sanaz Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 579-5110
Gupta Raju Gupta, Shreya Network Analyst (512) 499-4287
Javalkar, Siddhi OTIS Intern (512) 852-3275
Kane, Richard Mgr, Info Systems (512) 499-4643
Knowles, Marcus Student Associate (512) 499-4392
Kuntz, Melanie Business Analyst (512) 579-5065
Majid, Nahrin IT Multimedia Splst (512) 664-9082
Manson, Torren Employee of Contractor
Mirdwal, Deepak Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4585
Monreal, Olivia Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4594
Muthyampeta, Divya Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4354
Ogbonna, Chidimma IT Project Coordinator
Ondieki, Fredrick Systems Analyst (512) 852-3212
Ortiz, Jocelyn OTIS Student (512) 322-3711
Parrish, Dianne Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 322-3797
Peoples, Kyle Network Analyst, Sr (512) 682-6884
Riyahivafa, Arian OTIS Intern (512) 322-3719
Scroggin, John Systems Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4415
Shetty, Nishan Student Associate (512) 852-3274
Stubblefield, Jack Network Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4666
Thomas, Kendall Client Services Analyst (512) 322-3732
Trevino, Anna-Alicia Systems Analyst (512) 499-4701
Urquhart, Theodora Student Associate (512) 852-3215
Walters, Lynn Asst Dir, Infrastructure (512) 499-4384
Wong, Bethany Student Associate
Wright, Naik Client Services Analyst (512) 499-4465
Wright, Nicholas Student Associate (512) 499-4393
Yan, Hong Database Administrator, Sr (512) 499-4383
Young, Anthony Client Services Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4579

Texas Med Dental Appl
210 West 7th Street
Austin, TX 78701-2982

Phone: (512) 499-4785
Fax: (512) 499-4786
Bagwell, Emily Hourly Appointment (512) 579-5007
Bietz, Breanna Applicant Liaison, Sr (512) 682-6883
Black, Micaela Hourly Appointment (512) 579-5027
Cabrera, Myriam Applicant Liaison I (512) 579-5031
Castillo, Beyonce Student Associate (512) 322-3787
Castillo, Cynthia Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4347
Castillo Hernandez, Nichole Assoc Dir, TxHES (512) 852-3262
Freeman Savage, Tashae Assoc Dir, JAMP (512) 579-5194
Galvan, Francisco Administrative Assoc (512) 322-3755
Gonzalez, Nina Dir, JAMP & Strategic Initiati (512) 499-4787
Jasso, Enrique Dir, TMDSAS (512) 852-3231
Kim, Eunju Application Specialist (512) 664-9038
Koenig, Jennifer Administrative Assoc, Sr (512) 499-4352
Kouyate, Hafizah Hourly Appointment (512) 322-3722
Maldonado, Filomeno Independent Contractor (512) 499-4546
Mason, Audrey Applicant Liaison I (512) 664-9052
McDonald, Desiree TMDSAS Service Delivery Coord (512) 664-9023
Meeks, Matthew Exec Dir, TX Hea Edu Svc (512) 499-4789
Neyra, Weylin Creative Program Lead
Nieto, Gustavo Appl Dev Analyst, Sr (512) 499-4331
Rangwala, Mohammad Appl Dev Analyst (512) 499-4434
Robles, Joel Independent Contractor (512) 579-5060
Thevalingam, Stephan Student Associate (512) 322-3793
Western, Sallie Hourly Appointment (512) 322-3723

University Lands
P.O. Box 553
Midland, TX 79702-0553

Phone: (432) 684-4404
Fax: (432) 682-7456
Afelumo, Busola Sophia Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4742
Alejandro, Nicholas Mgr, Surface Ops
Ayankoya, Oluwatomisin Employee of Contractor (832) 521-1055
Bajaj, Muskan Data Analyst (432) 203-8772
Ball, Louisa Sr Purchasing Agent, UL (432) 686-4724
Baquirin, Christopher Sys Analyst, UL (432) 686-4767
Barboza, Martha GIS Developer (432) 686-4744
Barguiarena, Sonya Oil & Gas Acctng Mgr, UL (713) 352-3835
Barnes, Tommy System Administrator, Sr UL (432) 686-4748
Barraza, Adriana Administrative Associate (432) 686-4722
Beck, Roland Attorney, Sr UL (832) 632-4389
Becker, Amy Sr Staff Landman - Minerals (832) 521-1339
Bello, Olorunfemi Employee of Contractor (713) 352-3840
Belue, Lisa Advisor, Land Analyst, UL (432) 686-5479
Bonnell, Jake Rangeland Management Splst (432) 686-4768
Brantley, Richard Senior VP - Operations (432) 684-4404
Brite, Steven Environmental Coord, UL
Carmona, Karmyna Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4771
Champion, Lauren SVP, Chief Legal Officer (713) 352-3830
Clegg, Kevin VP, Emerging Energy (832) 632-4409
Csaszar, Sonya VP, Legal, UL (832) 632-4452
DiSanto, Karen Administrative Associate (832) 632-4390
Eckhardt, Kendall Reservoir Engineer, Senior (832) 632-4453
Espinoza, Hilda Sr Data Analyst Engineer, UL (432) 686-4769
Garcia, Edna Employee of Contractor (832) 431-4938
Garza, Edward Commercial Surface Land Splst (432) 686-4781
Gibbins, Jenna VP, Natural Resource Dvlpmnt
Gonzales, Daniel Surface Ops Specialist (432) 686-4731
Gonzalez, Cassandra Financial Analyst, UL
Gonzalez, Diana Oil & Gas Analyst, Sr
Hamm, Brandy Supv, Budget & Revenue
Hanson, Jeffery Dir, Financial Marketing (432) 686-4760
Hartman, Donna Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4733
Hill, James Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4793
Ideus, Randi Asst to CEO of UL (713) 352-3820
Jackson, Amber Dir, Budget & Revenue, UL (432) 684-4404
Jones, Antonia Marketing & Comm Mgr, UL (832) 521-1214
Kaderka, Christina Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4782
Keeler, Daniel Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4741
Kennedy, David Landman - Surface
Kenney, Jeffrey GIS Mgr
King, Ashley Asst to UL Exec (432) 686-4714
LaBelle, Tammy Sr Admin Assoc, UL (432) 686-4715
Lanza, Victoria Employee of Contractor (832) 521-1122
Lee, Leshaun Budget and Revenue Coord, UL (432) 686-4720
Lundgren, Gregory Assoc Landman - Surface (432) 686-4732
Martin, Rebecca Dir, Land Admin & Rgltry (832) 409-3276
Matison, Michael Sr Staff Landman - Minerals (432) 686-5473
McGill, Justin Geog Info Sys Analyst, Sr
Means, Corey Mgr - IT Infrastructure & Ops (432) 686-4745
Mohamed, Ala Employee of Contractor
Murphy, William Chief Executive Officer
Nguyen, Nicholas Employee of Contractor (832) 521-1079
Owen, Brian Senior Vice President - Land (432) 686-4753
Ramirez, Angie Oil & Gas Analyst, Sr (432) 686-4729
Randell, Tawney Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4754
Reyes, Olivia Oil & Gas Analyst, Sr
Rivera, Alexis Employee of Contractor
Rojas, Mario VP, Bus Intelligence & IT Svcs (832) 632-4454
Rowlett, Shauna Sr Land Tech, UL (432) 686-5472
Sanchez, Kimberly Surface ROW Associate (432) 686-4783
Sawyer, Samantha Oil & Gas Royalty Analyst, Sr (432) 686-4710
Schellstede, Maryam Chief Operating Officer, UL (832) 632-4451
Shirley, Julia Regulatory Analyst, Sr, UL
Smesny, Jerome Sr Geoscience Analyst, UL (713) 352-3870
Spreen, Rhett Employee of Contractor (832) 422-8520
Stewart, Daniel App Sys Architect (832) 521-1145
Tackett, John Chief Geologist (832) 632-4408
Tames, Gina Oil & Gas Analyst (432) 686-4734
Taylor, Michael Landman - Surface (432) 684-4404
Thompson, Andrea Senior Geoscience Advisor (832) 632-4420
Thompson, John Sr Staff Landman - Minerals
Uzoukwu, Obinna Employee of Contractor
Vark, William Mgr, Business Sols & App Dev (432) 686-4743
White, Jeffery Dir, Surface Ops (432) 556-2564
Whitlock, Hailee Employee of Contractor (432) 686-4713
Wiggins, Titus Sys Analyst, Sr UL (832) 521-1135
Williamson, David Dir, Commercial Surface
Wood, Duane Employee of Contractor (832) 422-9415
Woods, Kathy Surface ROW Coord (432) 684-4404
Wright, Debbie Employee of Contractor (832) 521-1246
Xiong, Hongjie Chief Reservoir Engineer (832) 632-4447
Yancer, Phillip VP, Land (832) 422-9414
Yates, Matthew Landman - Surface (432) 686-4723
Zogg, Judith Employee of Contractor (832) 521-1261